Solution PTT Over Cellular
Voice PTT
Voice calls are made like a professional two-way radio. Press the button to start speaking immediately without confirmation from the receiving party. Available for individual and group communication.
Video PTT
Walkie Talkie communication powered by video transmitted along with voice. Send a real-time video of your surroundings by pressing the video transmission button. Available for individual and group communication.
The messenger allows real-time exchange of text messages, images and files. The messenger is available both for private conversations between individual users and for communication within the group.
Advanced localization
Our platforms They have GPS tracking capabilities to determine the location of the fleet member. Two options available: one-time request or time-lapse request with regular location updates at regular intervals. A location request can be applied to both a single user and a group. Our platforms are compatible with Google Maps and OpenStreetMap for location tracking.
Remote monitoring
Remote monitoring allows you to capture voice and video from client devices, display it on the dispatch console of your preferred platform and record on the server.

Much more than radios we are a portfolio of solutions